June 5-8

 This week in math we learned about probability. We used the words certain, impossible and likely. We used a paper bag and put coloured tiles in it. Then we pulled out tiles one at a time and recorded the colour. We did it 20 times and recorded our answers on a t- chart. We then changed our answers into fractions. 

In science, the grade 6's made balloon rockets. We blew up balloons and taped them to straws. We put the straw on a string that stretched across the room diagonally. We then let the balloons go and they shot across the room. The farthest one went almost the whole way. We were learning about propulsion and Newtons Third Law. The grade 5's had a quiz on electricity and magnetism and started a unit on Wetlands. We compared lakes to wetlands and started to learn why wetlands are important. 

In social studies the grade 5's were learning about the Great Depression also known as the Dirty Thirties. We learned that the Great Depression had 10 years of drought and was polluted and dirty. Some people hopped on trains to get a free ride to go to a better place. The grade 6's started learning about Iroquois Confederacy.  We learned that clan mothers were in charge, and how they made decisions.

In writing we analyzed poems for different features like similes, metaphors, personification, repitition, rhyme, alliteration and hyperbole. On Morphology Monday we looked at prefixes and suffixes and how they change the meaning of a word. We discussed, phobia, cardio and electro. We did a crossword puzzle with these prefixes. 

In music we did music BINGO. Ms. Dafoe was away so we had substitute teachers. 

On Monday, we went outside with the grade 2's. We buddied up and went on a bug hunt to help them find insects and arachnids.

Dictated by Maggie, Gwen, Mason and Theo

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