Oct. 3-6

 This week in math, we practiced putting decimals between other numbers, and writing decimals in standard and expanded form. We played Decimal Rock 'n Roll, Betweeners and What's that Place?  On Thursday we had a place value check in.

In gym we played Indigenous games outside. Some of them were called Scream and Run, Double Ball and Crows and Cranes. We also told stories with rocks.

In science, the grade 5's went outside to measure windspeed and wind direction. We used wind vanes, and anemometers. We also learned about the water cycle. The grade 6's classified leaves looking at type, margin and shape. We also started learning about the food chain and nutrient cycles.

In social studies the grade 6's were learning about rights and responsibilites. We compared them with each other. The grade 5's are doing a top secret project about the regions of Canada. If you want to know what it is, ask your grade 5 child. (Shhhh!)

In writing we started learning about personal narratives. We brainstormed ideas from our lives to make a story. We just started to plan it out. We will be continuing with this next week. 

Dictated by: Isi, Ben, Lillian, and Gordon

Thursday, Oct. 13, Wednesay, October 19, and Friday, October 21 our class will be participating in in-line skating in our gym. Please ensure your child has a helmet at school on these days. All other equipment will be provided by Alien In-Line.  

A message from Parent Council


Volunteers Needed to make possible the October 27 Halloween Dance (6:00 to 8:00 pm)


This October marks the return of the Parent Council hosted Halloween Dance and Homeroom Pumpkin Carving Contest!  The dance is an event run entirely by families for families of EMJ students. 


Tuesday October 13 5:30 pm at the school: Halloween Dance Planning Meeting – parents are welcome to attend

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