Sept. 19-22

 It has been a busy but short week in grade 5/6.

In gym this week played Pin Ball. It was a type of dodgeball where we were trying to knock down the other team's pins. 

In math this week we worked on place value into the millions. We wrote  numbers in standard form, expanded and with words. We played Place Value Yahtzee and Rock 'n Roll. We also started  learning about decimals to the thousandths.

In writing this week we wrote poems inspired by Terry Fox. We tried to include figurative language such as similes. We talked about lines and stanzas. We used a success criteria to mark our work.

In grade 6 social studies we came up with an acronym for the Pillars of Democracy (justice, freedom, equity and representation JFER).  An examples of our acronyms are Joe Eats Frozen Rats or Jaden Ends Fire Rain. In grade 5 we matched definitions with words around the room. The categories were landforms, vegetation, climate, regions of Canada and natural resources.

In grade 6 science we went outside and did a leaf scavenger hunt. We looked at the shape of leaves, leaf margins, leaf types and leaf arrangements. In grade 5 we measured the temperature in different areas of the room. We did an experiment with a balloon and bottle and we learned that when air heats up it spreads out and becomes less dense (hot air rises).

On Tuesday we did the Terry Fox Run around the field with the entire school. We learned about Terry Fox and why the run is important. We raised some money for cancer research.

Next Friday, Sept. 30, is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There will be no school that day.

Dictated by: Chael, Oliver, Jiwon and Sonika

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