April 3- 6

 In social studies this week, the grade 6's have been learning about Greek democracy. We learned about citizens, medics and slaves. The grade 5's  are learning about  John A. MacDonald and Confederation. Confederation is the date that Canada became a country (July1st 1867).

In gym we did gymnastics. We worked on balances. We did exercises at different levels (low, medium and high).  We also played Balance Wax Museum.

In science the grade 6's made and recorded our own fingerprints. We looked at them to see what pattern they had. The types were loop, whorl, arch and composite. The grade 5's learned how to build open and closed circuits. We also learned how to use the correct symbols to draw a circuit. 

In math we learned about rotational symmetry. We learned about shapes like parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, kite and quadrilaterals. We also defined several words such as congruent, parallel, intersect and right angles.

In writing we worked on observing, wondering and inferencing (OWI). We looked at pictures to obeserve what we we saw, and wrote questions about what we wondered. 

Dictated by Gordon, Mason, Theo and Gwen

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