Feb. 6-10

 This week in writing we researched about a topic. We had to put jot notes about the information that we needed. We organized our notes into categories and put them into paragraphs. 

In math, the grade 6's multiplied fractions by whole numbers. We used calculators to find a percentage from a fraction. The grade 5's added and subtracted fractions and had a fraction check-in. Ms. D's group had a fraction check- in too. 

In science, the grade 5's learned about carbon dioxide. We did an experiment and found out that carbon dioxide is heavier than air and it will put out fire. The grade 6's made a planet display. We had to figure out the sizes and how far each planet is from the sun. We also started learning about constellations. We will be researching 1 constellation each to find out the Indigenous story and other stories about that constellation. On Tuesday we went on a winter walk. We were looking for signs of winter and making observations using our senses.

In social studies, the grade 6's started learning about municipal government. The grade 5's were learning about Indigenous people in Canada. We watched a video and used a Google form to answer questions.

We did cup stacking in gym. We did the 3,6,3 and the Cycle. Some of us timed ourselves.

* Next week is a short week. There is no school for students on Thursday or Friday.

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