Sept. 6- 9

 This is our new Blog. You can check it every weekend to find out what we learned in school that week.

We've had a great start to grade 5 and 6 and have learned a lot already.

In writing we used a picture of a hot air balloon to help us write juicy words. We brainstormed interesting words in small groups using a thesaurus. We also worked on using 'joining words' to write compound sentences. 

In math we started learning about Cartesian planes. We played Battleship to help us read and write ordered pairs (coordinates). Each morning we did a Morning Challenge. They included estimating, patterns, target number and which one doesn't belong.

In grade 5 social studies we looked at maps of Canada and did a scavenger hunt looking for provinces and territories. We were trying to find things on the map that were natural and not man made.  In grade 6 we started to learn about Canadian democracy. We discussed what societies we belong to.

In grade 5 science we began learning about weather. We brainstormed what we already know about weather and what we wonder about weather. We compared the similarites and differences between weather and climate. In grade 6 we started learning about trees and forests. We also brainstormed what we know and wonder. We discussed what characteristics make a tree a tree. 

Some other activies we did were, brainstorm teacher and student jobs, decide what our class should look like, sound like and feel like and learn how to greet each other in French. We had our first assembly to meet the new teachers at EMJ. They each had to say their special talent. 

We are looking forward to a great year!

Dictated by: RE, Trae, Cedar, Maggie, Josie

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