April 24-28

 This week in math we worked on area and perimeter. Area is length x width and for perimeter of a rectangle we did 2(l+w). The grade 5's worked on designing a house and calculated the area or perimeter of rooms, furniture and walls. The grade 6's worked on area and perimeter of composite shapes. We then started learning about volume by building animals with cubes.

In writing we did persuasive writing on if we like zoos or not. We gave reasons and examples to support our opinion. We used an OREO ( Opinion, Reason, Example, Opinion) and a checklist to make sure our writing was complete and we didn't leave anything out. 

In science the grade 6's learned about chromatography. Chromatography is a way to find out what colours were combined to make one colour of ink (for example, black was made of blue, pink and a bit of red). We analyzed the tread on our shoes and used crayons to make shoe rubbings. We compared it with others to see the similarities, then Mrs. Higgs used 2 shoes to make footprints (with cornstarch) and we had to figure out whose shoes were used. We also started analyzing soil samples. The grade 5's learned how to read an elecricity meter. We also learned how to make series and parallel circuits. In a series circuit when 1 light goes out, they all go out. In a parallel circuit, if one bulb goes out the others stay on. On Friday the grade 5's had the opportunity to go into escape rooms to test how much they have learned about electricity and magnetism.

In social studies, the grade 6's have been learning about how democracy was started in ancient Athens. We are learning how the Athenians voted and about their 3 pillars of democracy. We learned that the women did not have many rights. The grade 5's learned about the Royal Mounted Police. We learned about the gold rush and how this was a reason that the police came (to bring law and order).

In gym we had Mission Impossible. We had to go through many obstacles and solve a code at the end. It was very hard!

Dictated by: Aria, Renee, Trae and Cedar

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