Feb. 27- Mar. 3

 In writing this week worked on our Wonderopolis projects. We continued to take jot notes from websites and started turning those jot notes into paragraphs. We organized our sentences by including a topic sentence 3- 5 of the supporting details and a concluding sentence. 

In math we did a check in for ratios, fractions and percents. We then started doing algebraic equations. We learned about the commutative property, variables and coefficients. When we see 6 x y we can write it as 6y. We created math quilts using ratios, fractions and percents. We found percent by using a calculator and dividing the numerator of a fraction by the denominator to get a decimal. We then changed the decimal into a percentage.

In gym we started racquet sports. We started with badminton.  We practiced rallying with a partner and got better at handling and control with the racquet. We used forehand and backhand. We also served and rallied against the wall with backhand. 

In grade 6 social studies we made notes on urban and rural governments and talked about their status in the governments and how they are different from each other. The grade 5's learned about the Metis. We learned where the Metis people came from. We looked at a Metis sash. We played a fur trading game. We traded between First Nations people and Europeans. We discovered how the fur trade may have been unfair.

In science the grade 5's tested liquids to see if they were an acid or a base. We talked about the pH scale.We finished our Chemistry unit and had a Chemistry quiz. We then made Elephant's Toothpaste. This was a chemical reaction that used hydrogen peroxide, soap and yeast. The materials combined and the hydrogen peroxide was  turned into oxygen and water. It made a lot of foam. In grade 6 science we graphed some constellations on a cartesian plane. We talked about shadows and how they are longer in the morning and evening. Shadows are the shortest around noon when the sun is the highest in the sky. Shadows in the winter are longer than in the summer because  the sun is lower in our sky. We reviewed our sky science unit to get ready for our unit quiz next Tuesday.

In health we talked about internet safety and cyber bullying. 

Dictated by Josh, Aria, Ethan and RE

March 9 and 10 are Parent Teacher Conferences. Please make sure to sign up for a time. Thursday, Mar. 9 will be in person, Friday can be in person or virtual. If your child is on and IPP please sign up for a 30 min. block.

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