Jan. 9- 13

 This week in gym we played floor hockey. We started to learn how to pass the puck and trap the puck. We played a game where someone was the shark and had to take your puck away. If they took your puck then you became a shark too. There was ice holes that we had to avoid. If we touched one with our puck or our body we had to do 10 jumping jacks.

In science the grade 6's learned the difference between reflecting light and emitting light. We also did  an escape room about the seasons. The grade 5's learned how to separate mixtures. We decided what tool we would use based on the properties of the materials.

In writing we made words using prefixes and sufifixes added to a root word. We learned about simple, complex and compound sentences. We joined simple sentences using conjunctions like for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.

In math we did word problems with multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. We also reviewed long division using the box method and the standard method. On Thursday we had a check-in for mulitplication, division and word problems.

In health we did a survey on setting goals kind of like a New Year's Resolution.

Dictated by Lauren, Lillian, Zak and Jocelyn

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