Dec. 19-22

 This week all the students worked on Reader's Theater. They practiced reading scripts from several Christmas stories using expression and fluency. On Thursday, each group performed their Reader's Theater for the class. They all did a great job. 

Division continued to be our focus in math this week. Mrs. Higgs group applied what they know about long division to plan a party for the school. They had to use division to calculate how much of each item they would need to order. Mrs. D's group practiced some basic division facts by playing games. All students practiced their basic division facts by playing games in our Google Classroom.  We encourage all students to continue to practice their multiplication and division facts over the break.

In science, the grade 5's made Borax crystals by using a solution of Borax and hot water. We discussed the parts of a solution (solute and solvent) and what they mean. The grade 6's learned about why we have seasons. This lesson happened on the Winter Solstice which was the perfect opportunity to observe how low the sun was in the sky.

In art we completed our birch trees and were able to connect this to science as well as the Winter Solstice.

We had a fun filled week, and the students enjoyed the new theme each day. On Tuesday, we had Ms Helen come to our class to teach the students about Hanukkah. Everyone  got a chance to play a game with a dreidle.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday and hope all students return rested and healthy on January 9th.

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