Oct. 31- Nov. 4

 This week we wrote Haiku poems about Remembrance Day. We also finished writing our personal narratives and turned them in. 

In art we finished our cool and warm colour trees. We focused on value, texture and colour.

In math we had an addition and subtraction check in. We started learning about multiplication and division.

We started a new read aloud book called Out of My Mind. It is about a girl with a disbility where she can't move or talk but she has a photographic memory. 

We started a basketball unit in gym. We worked on passing and dribbling and ball handling. We played Hot Potato. 

In science the grade 5's did an experiment to make a cloud in a jar. We learned about different types of clouds and are making chart to show all the types of clouds and where they are in the sky. The grade 6's made posters on different types of fungi. 

In social studies the grade 6's discussed the different types of rights such as educational rights, mobility rights, equality rights and legal rights. The grade 5's were mapping Canada with it's 10 provinces and 3 territories. We are learning about the regions of Canada.

Our class will be singing a song in the Remembrance Day Assembly on Nov. 10 and some of our classmates will be speaking.

The Fall Showcase is on Nov. 17 at 6:00pm. We will be singing a song and playing a song on different instruments. Our class is also part of the finale. We hope all of the parents can come and watch us. 

Dictated by Gautham, Isi, Jiwon and RE

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