Oct. 17-21
In math the grade 5's added decimals. We also worked on subtraction with regrouping. We played a game called Race to $1000. The grade 6's worked on adding positive and negative integers.
In science we went on a walk to a park. We sat the park and observed trees and weather. We were focusing on mind, body, heart and spirit. The grade 5s started learning about clouds. The grade 6's stared learning about fungus, mushrooms, conks and lichens. These are all decomposers.
In social studies the grade 5's were learning about WW1. We were getting ready for our trip to the Millitary Museum. The grade 6's focused on the Charter of Rights and Freedom.
In writing we continued working on our personal narritives. We revised our work by adding details, removing unessesary words, moving words and sentences and substituting words with juicier words.
In gym we went in line skating twice. We played Red Light, Green Light. We learned how to do multiple kinds of brakes. We also went outside and played soccer in gym. We practiced dribbling, passing and trapping the ball.
Dictated by Lauren, Lillian, Zak and Mason