Sept. 26-29

In writing this week, we learned about residential schools and orange shirt day. We wrote what we thought, then listened to a story and wrote what we learned from it. We went outside to sketch and write about nature. In math we are still learning about place value. Some of us were building numbers with blocks. Some of us were comparing decimals to the thousandths place. We played a game called Decimal Dots. In social studies, the grade 6's learned about the different levels of government. The grade 5's were learning about the regions of Canada. We looked at pictures around the room and tried to figure out which region they were from. In science, the grade 5's learned about air presure. We did two experiments to show how air has pressure. The grade 6's learned about the levels of the forest. We learned they are called, the upper canopy, understory/middle story, underbrush/shrubbery level and the forest floor. We made a flip book in our visual journals to show the level...