Sept. 12-16

We had another great week in grades 5 and 6. Here are a few of the highlights.

In math we finished cartesian planes and did a final check in. We have now started learning about reading and writing large numbers (place value). We worked on numbers in the ten thousands and hundred thousands. We learned a new game called Rock 'n Roll. Each morning we do a math challenge. This week we tried 2 Solve Me Mobiles.

In writing we started learning about poetry. We read a poem called "If I Were a Tree", then we went outside and described what it might feel like to be a tree. We learned about different types of poems like epic poems and ballads. We discussed how poems are different from paragraphs and have lines and stanzas. We also went outside to observe the weather. Then we wrote poems about it.

In science the grade 5's started looking at and recording weather using a weather forecast. We discussed temperature and started using thermometers. We put them in different places in the room and next week we will look at them to see if places in our room are warmer or cooler. The grade 6's took notes about the differences between deciduous and coniferous trees. Then we went outside to look at leaf arrangements on trees.

In social studies grade 5's were learning about natural resources in different parts of Canada and how they change in different parts of Canada.We used maps to help us and we also used text books. The grade 6's learned about rights and the pillars of democracy. The pillars of democracy are justice, equity, freedoms and representation.

In gym we worked together in teams to build castles out of hula hoops.The hardest part was trying to stack 3 on top of each other. We also played Castle Dodgeball.

Tuesday is the Terry Fox run. Please try to bring a toonie for Terry.

Thursday is meet the teacher night. We are looking forward to meeting all of you. 

Dictated by Wyatt and Kai

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