June 12-16

 In science this week, the grade 6's made parachutes and paper airplanes. We were learning about drag and the forces of flight. We made a small, medium and large parachute to see how they would fall and which one would have the most drag. We dropped them from the top of the stairwell. With our paper airplanes, we used paperclips to adjusts the weight. We tried to fly them through a hoop. The grade 5's learned about the 5 different types of wetlands in Alberta. They are swamp, fen, bog, marsh and pond. We also started to learn about food chains and food webs.

In social studies the grade 6's learned about Wompum Belts and what the patterns mean. We learned about the treaty with Haudenosaunee and the Europeans. They made a peace treaty. They put all the weapons under a tree and called it the Peace Tree. If someone put their weapons there they could use the tree for shelter. The grade 5's made a grocery list to see if we could survive the Great Depression. We only had $2.50 to spend on food for a week.

This week the grade 5's and 6's both did a Human Sexuality unit.

In math we worked on creating, reading and interpreting double bar graphs. We took surveys and gathered information to graph.

In music we played a rhythm game. We had sheets of paper and each one had a different note. In your teams you had to make a correct rhythm with no talking. Ms. Dafoe scored each team's points. Whoever had the highest would get their names on the whiteboard. At the end of the year she is going to make a draw for a prize from the names on the board.

Dictated by Kingston, Lauren, Avery and RE

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