May 9-12

 This week the grade 5's made patterns that increase or decrease. We used tiles to make shape patterns. We put our information into a table of values. The grade 6's also worked on patterns. We used cartesian planes to graph our patterns from our table of values.

In writing we did persuasive writing to try to make people believe what we believe. We picked topics that we are passionate about. We shared them with other classmates to see if we could convince them. We edited our work to make sure we had a solid paragraph with a hook and conclusion.

In science, the grade 6's tested fabric scraps to see how they would burn. We also did tire rubbings on cars to see how the tracks were similar or different. We had a quiz on Evidence and Investigation. The grade 5's finished our Electricity Passport. There were 4 challenges we had to complete and then write a reflection. We are now starting our electricity  projects. We made bluprints to start planning. Next week we will start building. 

In social studies, the grade 5's learned about the Industrial Revolution and how it changed life and transportation. We also learned how the first phone was made. The grade 6's did a role play about Ancient Athens. We each got a role and then did a court scene where someone was accused of a robbery. The Magistrate had to help with the court and help everyone make a decision. The jury ended up deciding that he was guilty.

In health/gym we have been learning about non-verbal communication, teamwork and perseverance. We stacked hula hoops with our team and tried to crawl through them. 

In music we are practicing 'Old MacDonald Had a Farm' on the recorders. We are practicing the note D.

Dictated by: Cedar, Aria, Renee and RE

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