Dec.12- 16

 This week for our morning challenges we practiced making our own 'Solve me puzzles". We are getting better at it. We have been using division to help us. 

In writing we finished our story from last week and did a one day story. We looked at 3 picture prompts and decided which one we wanted to write about. We were trying to improve our story writing. We focused on using juicy words, elaborating, figurative language, hook, rising action, climax and conclusion.

In math we started long divison and practiced equations. We learned 2 different ways to divide. The box method and the standard algorithm (there is a video about the box method in Google Classroom). Ms. D's group worked on divding by 2's.

In gym we played volleyball and played a game called Newcomb. We did volleying, bumping and serving.

In social studies, the grade 6's got study notes to study for the Democracy quiz next week. We also finished our political leaders trading cards. The grade 5's continued to learn about the regions of Canada.

In science, the grade 5's continued learning about states of matter ( solid, liquid and gas). Then we started to learn about mixtures. The grade 6's had  a Trees and Forests quiz. We are now finished this unit. Our next unit is Sky Science.

The hightlight of the week was our field trip to Telus Spark. The grade 6's went into the Infinity Dome and watched a presentation about space. We learned about, galaxies, black holes, stars, plantes and what makes life possible on a planet ( liquid water, heat energy and atmosphere). The grade 5's tested white powders to determine what they were as part of our chemistry unit. We got to explore the science center in our small groups. We saw and experienced so many cool things!

Next week we have some special days. Monday is Festive Hat Day, Tuesday is Festive Sweater Day, Wednesday is the Winter Soltice ( wear white and blue) and Thursday is PJ Day (no school on Friday).

Dictated by: RE, Aria, Kaleb, and Ethan

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