Dec. 5-9

 This week in writing the students continued to work on their fictional narrative stories. We focused on elaboration and adding in juicy words and figurative language. When finished, the students used success criteria to mark their own work.

In math, the grade 6's solved problems using factors and multiples. The grade 5's used their knowledge of multiplication to help them with basic division facts. Both grades then started learning about/ reviewing, long division.

In science, the grade 5's started the classroom chemistry unit. We talked about the 3 states of matter and then made oobleck. We tried to determine if it was a solid or a liquid. The grade 6's completed the unit on trees and forests by determining how forests are used and how it compares to how they were used in the past. We reviewed the unit and started preparing for the quiz next Tuesday.

In social studies, the grade 5's  started researching a  region of Canada. The grade 6's worked on the 3 branches of the provincial government ( legislative, executive and judicial). 

We had one really cold day this week that was an inside day. Several students accepted the challenge of building the tallest structure they could with K'nex! It touched the ceiling!

We are all excited for our field trip to Telus Spark next Thursday.

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