March 20- 24

This week in health, we wrote about our emotional strengths and challenges and our bodies strengths and challenges. In gym we did skipping. We practiced jumping lightly on our feet. Next, we used the long ropes and said some skipping rhymes. Then tried to increase our stamina by seeing how long we could skip. In science, the whole class went outside and examined footprints in the snow. We were looking for animal tracks. We observed the footprints and made inferences about what type of animal it might have been and how it was moving. The grade 6's learned about the 4 different types of fingerprints. They are arch, whorl, loop and compsite. We used pencil and coloured a dark spot. We rubbed our fingers on it and then made a fingerprint with tape. The grade 5's used batteries and wires to light up a lightbulb. We also learned the parts of a lightbulb. In writing we finished our Wonderopolis projects. We added in a recording of our voice and made a Google Forms quiz to go ...