Oct. 24-27

 This week we went to the Military Museum. There were real sized planes and realistic mannequins. There was also a soldier that fought in Afghanistan. We learned about different wars. We also learned the stories of several Inginenous people that fought in the wars. We got to handle artifacts. Some of the coolest artifacts were 2 grenades and a gas mask.

In math we have been working on word problems and trying to solve them with addition, subtraction or multi-steps.  We practiced looking for important words and information. 

In writing we continued on our personal narratives. We published them on Chromebooks. 

In gym we did soccer inside and outside. We played 2 mini soccer games in the gym. They were really fun. 

We started our Book Clubs this week. Each group is reading a different novel. We meet with the teachers once a week and read and talk about our books. 

We finished our read aloud "The Bad Beginning". We started a new one called "Out of My Mind".

Dictated by: Isaak, Logan, Gwen and Hunter

On Monday, October 31st the students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to school. All makeup should be done at home. Please ensure your child wears their clothes under their costume so they do not have to wear their costume all day.

* We do not allow students to bring weapons or masks to school. If a mask is an important part of the costume, they can bring it to show us, but will not be permitted to wear it throughout the day.

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